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silence is a superpower

Morning coffee with God


July 17, 2020

We are indeed a talking and an oversharing generation. But can we pray for the wisdom to know the season for sharing and that for hiding in the closet in silence? It is not too late.

A season of silence is a time of preparation for the manifestation of the promise/ gift or assignment. There is so much power that comes in silence. Silence is a super power and the key that leads us to manifestation of God’s promises.

Out of the heart, the mouth speaks. It is not always about always having something to say. Sometimes, it brings more glory to God and makes us humble by walking in silence.

May we be a people who give room for God’s revelation and promises to mature before we crush them with immature talks before its time for manifestation. God had chosen Nehemiah and gave Him a calling and an assignment. He went about it in wisdom and did not go about sharing that he had the upper hand. Nehemiah 2:11-12 I went to Jerusalem, and after staying there three days 12 I set out during the night with a few others. I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem. There were no mounts with me except the one I was riding on. Let us build certain things in silence, just like a butterfly in its early stages.

Let us be a generation that builds in silence and one that does not seek and attract attention until the appointed time.
