Side Note: Some will say it’s coincidence but I say, it’s God confirming what He had put in my heart. You see, I don’t just write randomly, I always feel a strong nudge about something, whether it’s my feelings, emotions , then I pray about it and write as I pray.
Anyway, this is what happened, the last 3 days, I have been writing on and off about ‘ hearing God and seeking His confirmation over issues in our lives. I wasn’t sure when to post this and was waiting for that right moment in my heart.
God on the other hand has His own sense of humour. Yesterday at church, one of the verses our pastor read from, for the sermon, is one I had used as well. Matthew 12 &16. Where the Pharisees keep asking for a sign, instead of believing in the one already prophesied and given – Jesus Christ.
Sign’s Already Given:
Last Wednesday I woke up and prayed ” thank you Lord for being patient with me”. This got me thinking about of how being or operating in the Kingdom life is more so like a GPS system, where we are intertwined with the Holly Spirit, keen in our spiritual ears , not missing his cues and signs.
Then I started thinking of ‘purpose’. I am confident of what God’s purpose for my life is, or at least one of them. Once we know why God keeps waking us up each morning, we can’t keep coming to God year in year out asking “God, show me the way, without making any step of faith”. You gotta start moving in that direction and ask for confirmation.
He has already revealed Himself to you, His power has been made perfect in you. We ought to move from “show me the way” to more specific prayers like ” God, how do you want me to go about this, is this plan that I have in line with your will?”.
Have you thought about what would have happened if Abraham wasn’t keen in the Spirit but instead consumed in his, worry about, what people would say? he would have missed the voice of God. Abraham, when he was on kingdom work, he turned off all noises and was focused on the father, that’s why He was able to hear the instruction about the lamb behind him.
Many times when we go through life’s struggles or challenges, our ears are accustomed to hearing and being influenced by the noises around us. Those applauding us, criticizing us, or even encouraging us. All these are vital, but when we find ourselves, with outside volumes higher than the spiritual one, it’s usually a call to turn back to what the voice of truth is nudging us to do.
Once you hear from God, it is then ok to go back to God and ask Him for a confirmation, which He is always faithful to give. He will use a random person to prophecy, or declare a word to you. He will even use nature or kids to confirm His word to you.
Note, it’s only after seeking His will, are we to ask for a confirmation and not going about asking for signs here and there before we have even sat at His feet to consult if this was even the way he wants us to go. This way, it will be no longer a CONFIRMATION’, but you going in it, in your own way.
Back to purpose, being attentive in the Spirit and the GPS system. Once you know your purpose, you start ‘moving/acting in faith’ . It is only while moving that your GPS is able to recalibrate and select the right way. You can’t select the right way while being still.
So, it is with our purpose and all kingdom work God has called us to do. He says in 2Peter 1:3 ” By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.” Meaning, all have been made available for us way in advance before our calling.
All we need to do, is start moving , taking our position and in moving, when we feel like we need some guidance and affirmation to check whether the road we took was really the one meant to, we can keep asking for direction. We need to ask direction in wisdom too.
When you select a route on the GPS, it usually says, “keep going straight for 30km or so”. I have never heard any GPS, repeating at each KM “yes, go straight, yes, keep going, yes, go on straight. No, it gives the clear instruction at the beginning and then usually a few Kms later, it will say briefly ” continue straight”.
It is the same with our walk with Christ, He has promised to walk with us and said He will never forsake us. So when God endorses your plan and you feel it deep in your bones and spirit that He has confirmed it, you start moving and have the confidence that He is with you and that He has already provided a way .
Now is not the time to start praying ” show me your way Lord”. It’s the time to open both our physical and spiritual eyes and ears to hear and see what He has laid up in the journey and the words He has for us while we go forth.
Many a times, God places people in our paths, either to encourage us , boost our destiny and we sometimes miss it because we dismiss them because our spiritual antenna is off.
God is indeed patient with us. We have moments when we might have ‘ slagged’ in pursuing our purpose because of life’s struggles but He is always waiting with arms wide open. So , when you feel it’s time to step right back up, know that you are never alone. Your purpose is still where you left it at. You can pray ” show me my purpose Lord” no wrong in that but I feel we should praying ” Lord, where can I start from or continue from? I feel like you are leading me to this, should I go ahead?”.
We need to ‘wake up’ from our slumber as humanity is thirsty for our gifts and our presence. We should also not be comparing our lives with others, some of us have been called to hospitality to smile at people and hug them, others have been called to the screnes with microphones, to speak up in boldness without shame, and more so others behind the screen or any public scene.
Whether staying at home and pouring your love to those tiny ones or in the corridors of the corporate world, shining Jesus’s love and kingdom principles in an environment that is thirsty for it. I pray we all discover what is that thing, we have been called to do. Why does God keep waking you up each morning? He is giving you a new chance and new mercies and grace to take up that space and he the best version of yourself -His image.
Have you realized that sometimes, you have only scratched the surface of your full potential and purpose? It’s true that in some seasons we leak out and bless and there are seasons where we hide under Jesus’s feet to soak up of the kingdom.
We can’t pour out from an empty heart. On the other hand, we can’t keep ‘hiding’ and soaking up, we need a channeling out ~ a system that operates in balance of flowing in and out. That’s why we are here. We ought to be both a Mary and a Martha in kingdom work.
Wisdom is realising when you have been in one of the season’s for too long and doing the necessary. Have you been soaking up too long and feel like God is nudging you to get back out there?, or have you been leaking out and pouring out for so long and feel like you are no longer speaking from the vine but more so adding your own words?
Thank God in His mercies and grace for being patient with us. But in His patience, there is still a gentle nudge and whisper calling out His sons and daughters to take up their positions and be His hands and feet in this world.
Lean in , and take up space with the confidence that you are not doing it alone and in your own might. He has your back. “It’s time child” He whispers. The sign – Jesus Christ) that was prophesied long ago is here now, we don’t need to look for it.
Much love
Mama Faith, Hope and Love,