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no fear just hope
Emotions Faith over Fear Hope

Faith Over Fear.

The last few weeks, I have pushed myself to finalize most of the things to do regarding work and now am finally on maternity leave. It’s getting real as now, my agenda is all about me and getting ready to meet this little princess  and…

June 19, 2019
no fear just hope
Faith over Fear New Normal

Rest Peacefully My Little Princess.

Today marks exactly 6 months since I gave birth to my angel and she went to be with our Heavenly Father. Two weeks ago, I met I-J’s former class teacher who had not known about Olivia. In our conversation about the usual daily life…

February 6, 2019
no fear just hope
Faith over Fear Hope

Christ In Us | The Hope Of Glory.

Am not sure which translation I like best: “God’s plan is to make known his secret to his people, this rich and glorious secret which he has for all peoples. And the secret is that Christ is in you, which means that you will…

December 25, 2018
no fear just hope
Grief & Loss

Re-living My Loss Trauma ~ What really happened?

Holiday in 3….2…..1 Not! I decided to take my mind back to those terror filled days. Friday 27th July was my last day at work. I finalized my tasks and managed to hand over my work to my colleagues until when I would resume.…

November 9, 2018